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Sunday, July 26
Time checked : 1:21 AM

It's really been sometime since I last blogged.

How does it really feel to have a pure heart, to not have the slightest bit of negativities, and always saturated with downright goodness and sincerity. That's something to achieve.

Under pressurising situations, can you keep a calm face, tone and aura such that the fizzy scene neutralises to a straight line? That's something to achieve.

How does it feel to fully utilize both the hemispheres of the brain. That's something to achieve.

I've got lots of things to read on hand. But i find myself cruising slowly. Gotta push that pedal to feel the rush.

Wednesday, July 15
Time checked : 4:58 AM

Ain't sure if you've received a particular sms that has been circulation around this week.
I got this one at 10.30pm last night. Nasib baik i was sleeping, so i couldnt register what the sms was saying until i read it the next morning.

It says:

Bilang keluarga mu semua, kalau ada seorang nenek tua menjual keropok2 atau kuih2 mengetok pintu rumuh mu, jangan bukak pintu.. Kerana nenek itu mengendong kak pon dengannya.. Beliau akan menghasut kita memakai kak pon itu untuk membeli keropoknya.. Jikalau kita tidak beli, kak pon nya akan masuk rumah kita... Keropok beliau tidak sedap, dan juga bau busuk.. Tgok lobang pintu sblom bukak.. Nenek itu sudah conqour woodlands dan skarang daerah tampines

And i dunno if i should laugh or be freaked out.

Maybe im freaked out abit.

But, I have to remind myself, that whatever happens, its by the will of Allah s.w.t. And if this really is happening, mesti ader pendindingnyer...zikrullah..rajin baca quran..hafal surah2 pendinding...as what my dear fren hajar reminded me.

So i should stop scaring myself.

And be a brave girl.

Monday, July 6
Time checked : 5:12 AM


this is such a happy-go-smiley tune.

feels good to be home. i missed being homey all of the sudden. heh.

Saturday, July 4
Time checked : 8:55 AM

an intensifying day.

oh what a day.

the shoulders' crying in pain.

and the heart.

reaching out in vain

for a friend whose been out;

come back again.

do come back again.

had ginger tea. and ginger f&n. and it's 12:15am. and im still not asleep. and this makes no sense. and it has no links. and im being pointless. and do you get what im trying to say now. peace.