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Saturday, January 31
Time checked : 5:10 AM

"Seorang muslimah dilahirkan ke dunia ibarat sebutir permata,
Apabila digilap akan memancarkan kilaun cahaya,
Apabila diletak di tempat mulia akan disanjung sebagai permaisuri,
Apabila dibekal dengan ilmu di dada akan menjadi cendekiawan bistari,
Seorang muslimah akan dikenang sebagai suri sang jejaka,
Menjadi ibu kepada puteri dan putera,
Dan menjadi pertiwi seisi buana."

Taken from a book written by sitinorbahyahmahamood

Currently reading a book in which i came across some points under the chapter of "wanita dan perkahwinan". Okeh actually i kindaf skipped a couple of chapters and landed on that.

Ciri-ciri suami yg baik (that's according to the book, in which i'll summarise)
1. Mampu menjadi ketua keluarga yg baik
2. Taat kpd perintah agama
3. Tdk bertindak melulu dlm urusan rumah tangga
4. Respects both sides of family
5. Akhlak terpuji
6. Berprinsip dan mempunyai matlamat hidup jelas
7. Responsible
8. Loving

Okeh calculating. :P

Tuesday, January 27
Time checked : 4:17 AM

I just got to know that lada bulat is actually capsicum. I was like - reallly? Lada bulat pun tak tau! Tau makan aje! At least today ada improvement sikit okay? I did sibuk2 in the kitchen while my mom was cooking spagetti. So, yes, i did learn something - Priceless.

Ubin II with my explorer companion, intan. A random suggestion, but was all good, nature-l fun. The sea breeze, the beautiful bluish-green of the seawater, the soft sun - subhanAllah. It was abit too crowded and sometimes err.. noisy with different kinds of people. We went on foot this time around as we're jean-ing but we didnt really walked the whole island. I would lurve to do that one day and explore. And anyway, its too crowded to cycle. The gerhana bulan was actually the same day, but we didnt witness it. Or perhaps didnt even notice it. :p Ubin III soon to come inshallah.

Lee's voice is always paling the feeling in BLUE.

Sunday, January 25
Time checked : 4:10 AM

Spain aka Andalusia. Kerajaan Islam di bumi Eropah berkuasa selama 800 tahun. That was long. Bayangkan pada masa itu umat Islam ‘menghidupkan’ Sepanyol(Spain) dan menjadikannya bangsa yg bertamadun, berbanding bangsa lain di Eropah. Tapi sekarang, kegemilangnya seperti tidak pernah wujud di negara itu. It's really odd to have one of the world's greatest history almost wiped off from the history archives.

Sebenarnya musuh Islam dan umatnya tetap satu. Dari dulu hingga sekarang musuh Islam tetap ada, cuma ia berbeza orang dan jenteranya. Mereka tetap ingin melenyapkan Islam sedapat mungkin dengan apa juga cara. Dgn mengambil contoh Andalus yg hilang dan mencari sebab kehilangannya termasuk kelemahan akidah dan terlepas daripada jalur yg lurus, permusuhan sesama sendiri, berpihak kpd bukan Islam, kesenangan yg tidak terkawal dan kecintaan terhadap dunia, tidak mustahil ia juga akan berlaku di mana-mana.

Look at today. If only each and every one of us bermuhasabah dan berfikiran lebih matang dalam mengatasai krisis dunia ataupun masalah seharian, inshallah dapat melahirkan solution yang terbaik. And bring back the kegemilangan Islam di bumi ini. Ponder this.

Sunday, January 18
Time checked : 5:18 AM

Ponder. It’s awkward to find a distance growing further between the people you used to be very close with. Even when you try to be like before, you don’t seem to be able to connect well. It’s as if you’ve been re-wired entirely to a different setting. Almost felt that you’re going solo at this point and the next. Like you’ve walked out and never look back. Faux pas is what you felt when you engaged. Question is, why. Disappointment perhaps? a need to, move on?

Missed class and skipped the stamina regime. Physically drained. I felt that all I need is sleep. Contradicting too, as I sleep most of my traveling time. Even if I don’t feel like sleeping I still prefer to shut my eyes than to be staring to the other side. It’s harder to duck piercing stares or glances especially if it’s meant for you. I always wished the seating alignment and direction is similar to European style trains where its two to three seater facing the driver. Doesn’t need to be cushioned seats or large seats.

Feel like inhaling some sea breeze this week.

Saturday, January 17
Time checked : 7:54 AM

"Mascara bleeds a blackened tear, oh"


Sunday, January 11
Time checked : 6:33 AM

Heard this like one and a half years back.
For everyone!


Time checked : 3:56 AM

I have to agree with the ustaz that there's no better method for a peaceful demonstration than to solat sunat hajat for the people of Palestine. Why not a prayer that goes straight to the langit than a demonstration in the streets and heat and all. Shukran Intan for asking me to one. I sure did benefit from that, hamdanlilah. It was heartfelt. I wished i understood more arabic in order to feel for the dua's.

By now, most people would have already known what has been going on THERE. You don't have to be glued to the MEDIA to know the TRUTH. What media is there when the propagation is controlled. Does the news coverage cover the reality of the grounds? What TRUTH is there when almost all are fitnahs and lies. Do YOU really think you can brainwash the world. Control the world? Dang you're not God to begin with. Coldblood killing spree of CIVILIANs? Building of nuclear weapons not a big HOO HAA for I s ra el only? Censorship of the truth by J I D F claiming to protect antisemitism and terrorism? Zionist, down you go.

"The Israeli bombs can tear the bodies of Palestinian children, women, and men into pieces. They can bring buildings and entire towns to the ground. But they cannot change the hearts and souls of the faithful. The Palestinians are a faithful people; they will survive this war too." Commentary by a Palestinian,
Samah Jabr lecturer at Bir Zeit University at islamonline.net

"Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allâh [i.e. they have gone out for Jihâd (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e.they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allâh] in the least" (Al-Ahzab 33:22)

"That Allâh may reward the men of truth for their truth (i.e. for their patience at the accomplishment of that which they covenanted with Allâh), and punish the hypocrites if He wills or accept their repentance by turning to them (in Mercy). Verily, Allâh is Oft¬Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Al-Ahzab 33:23)