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Tuesday, May 27
Time checked : 6:00 AM

xenophobia [(zen-uh-foh-bee-uh, zee-nuh-foh-bee-uh)]

An unreasonable fear, distrust, or hatred of strangers, foreigners, or anything perceived as foreign or different.

I was reading an article online ytd when i came across that word. And i've been wondering, doesn't everyone in this and, the previous era have xenophobic expressions? Although an almost limited percentage as like that of an atom in comparison to a person's body, you're still a xenophobic. Human nature? You see something, someone you're entirely clueless about. You start to have an imaginary dotted line drawn between you and the subject. Personally i think it is, human nature. To feel xeno: strange around a stranger. Suddenly, a quirk of the lips forming a smile which connects to the smiler's eye...and that breaks the barriers. The wonders of a smile.

I was reading, and i can't help it, but share this. Citing some lines from The Ideal Muslimah by Dr Muhammad 'Ali al-Hashimi:

"... The Prophet s.a.w never disappointed anyone who came to ask from him. There are three characteristics that he did not posess: he was not argumentative, he did ot talk too much, and he did not concern himeslf with matters that were not his business.

There are three things that he never did to people: he never criticised anyone, he never said "Shame on you!" to anyone, and he never looked for anyone's faults. He never said anything but that for which he hoped to earn reward. When he spoke, the people around him would listen earnestly, sitting still as if there were birds on their heads. When he was silent, then they would speak. They never argued with one another in his presence.

They would smile at whatever he smiled at, and would be impressed by whatever impressed him....He never accepted praise except from someone who was thanking him for a favour, and he never cut short anyone who was speaking; he would wait untl the person indicated that he had finished, or stood up. ..."

simple ethics instilled throughout a person goes a gooood long way.

I've gotta gear up my stamina for this month. So much to do, so little time.

Sunday, May 11
Time checked : 4:46 AM

AAC is finally released in Singapore. I've not yet watched it, and I'm still reading the novel. Not an easy task especially if its not in paperback form. heheh.

Every year, we dedicate a special day for a very special woman in our lives, our mother, ummi, ibu, mak, mama.

Why not dedicate to this wonderful woman a special moment everyday.

Happy mother's day.

Pimpinlah tangan ibu semasa ibu boleh berjalan bersama-sama;
Renunglah mata ibu semasa ibu boleh melihatmu;
Berbuallah dengan ibu semasa ibu masih boleh mendengar;
Berilah ucap sayang kepada ibu semasa ibu masih boleh memahaminya;
Buat semua Ibu, Selamat Haru Ibu.

Diriwayatkan, seseorang telah bertemu Rasulullah S.A.W dan bertanya,
"Wahai Rasulullah siapa yang berhak mendapat layanan baik dariku ?" Rasulullah menjawab, "Ibumu." (dan diulang sebanyak tiga kali kemudian ayahmu, kemudian saudara-saudara terdekatmu.)

Ma, I love you, you know i do. :)

Sunday, May 4
Time checked : 10:34 AM

Udah jam 1.34am, namun aku ngak bisa melelapkan mata! Waduhh... Sungguh deras pemikiran ku di saat ini.

I realised something tday in class. Manusia, tetap manusia. No matter who you are, or how perfect your life background can be, you can't deny that you tend to venture into thoughts that seems unusual or a taboo to the society. We're not a Maksom like Rasulullah, but that doesn't give us a reason not try-hard-enuf to perfect our imperfections. A reminder for myself.

They say, Actions speaks louder than words. In the case of today's presentation with Intan, i guess its: written words speaks louder than actions? Maybe someones gotta update the idiom section for today's generation. Heh.