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Monday, March 31
Time checked : 6:03 AM

Isn't the woman there my sister?
In Islam, I mean to say
For I just took my shahadah
at the masjid here today

Isn't the woman there my sister?
I openly ask without any qualms
The one who just walked past me
Without offering me her salaams

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Though she stands alone to pray
Each time I move to touch her shoulder
She takes a step and pulls away

Isn't the woman there my sister?
the lady that is not of my race,
for both of us are muslim women
with varied hues making up our face

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Who laughed and made fun of me
And those other sisters of mine who listened
Doesn't their silence make them also guilty

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Who didn't call me when I was sick
For she seems to only show concern
for those special sisters,
in her own click

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Who I invited for iftar in my home
But unfortunately she did not make it
How I wish she had bothered to phone

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Don't we both love our religion - this Deen?
Then why am I sharing my lament
About her being uncaring, indifferent and mean?

Isn't the woman there my sister?
Won't she open up and try to treasure
The love I want and need to share with her
As we both seek Allah's Merciful Pleasure

by Mahasin Shamsiddeen

just by reading this, it makes me guilty. :P
tonnes to reflect, about time to react.

Sunday, March 30
Time checked : 7:46 AM

Stock take duty today was...bumpy? With the full force of all 5a pharmacy PAs, PTs and a few pharmacist, its easy to get your head bumped/foot stepped on by someone or something which magically appear beside/behind you. Our pharmacy is also quite small, unlike the retail pharmcay at level 1. We had to manually count all the drugs in our pharmacy while our senior pharmacy techs scan the figures and process the results. That's not the end, we still have to pack drugs for discharges today. Since i wasn't rostered for today's sunday duty, i was let off at 12.30noon. Alhamdulilah! Wee~ Was quite fun today. We were provided with heavy breakfast: kway teow and lunch:nasi ayam..FOC tau. Rezeki...

I have a deadly weakness for shoes. I don't know how many different kinds of shoes of mine existed in that shoe compartment. Need to curb this desire. :P

"Orang yg bahagia itu akan selalu
menyediakn waktu untuk mmbaca kerana membaca itu sumber hikmah,
menyediakan waktu tertawa kerana tertawa itu muziknya jiwa,
menyediakan waktu untuk berfikir kerana berfikir itu pokok kemajuan,
menyediakan waktu untuk beramal kerana beramal itu pangkal kejayaan,
menyediakan waktu untuk bersenda kerana bersenda itu akan membuat muda selalu & menyediakan waktu beribadat kerana beribadat itu adalah ibu dari segala ketenangn jiwa"

Saturday, March 29
Time checked : 9:09 AM

just got back home an hour ago from ayu's 21st bdae chalet. thks for the invite gerl! i've never seen a family/friends gathering that supportive for a bdae. ;)

I have been wondering lately why it is so difficult for me to translate my thoughts into words. It seems so perfect in thought but you find yourself blurting without sequence and proper phrasing when in speech. wire tak connect ke? but it's been quite frequent since late last year. Does this got to do with any big shock encountered in a person's life. hmms.

i shud be in deep slp now. Besok keje!! and i wud be missing class and the weekly dose of teh with intan!!! :'( Okay gooodnite la. Salams.

Sunday, March 16
Time checked : 5:42 AM

Buat pembaca sekalian..

"Tolong sampaikan pada si dia…
Tolong beritahu si dia aku ada pesanan buatnya..
Tolong beritahu si dia, cinta agung adalah cintaNya..
Tolong beritahu si dia, cinta manusia bakal membuatnya alpa..

Tolong nasihati si dia, jangan menyintaiku lebih dari dia menyintai Yang Maha Esa..
Tolong nasihati si dia, jangan mengingatiku lebih dari dia mengingati Yang Maha Kuasa..
Tolong nasihati si dia, jangan mendoakanku lebih dari dia mendoakan ibu bapanya..

Tolong katakan pada si dia, dahulukan Allah kerana di situ ada syurga..
Tolong katakan pada si dia, dahulukan ibu bapanya kerana di telapak itu syurganya..

Tolong ingatkan si dia. Aku terpikat kerana imannya bukan rupa..
Tolong ingatkan si dia. Aku lebih cintakan zuhudnya bukan harta..
Tolong ingatkan si dia aku kasihinya kerana santunnya..

Tolong tegur si dia, bila dia mula mengagungkan cinta manusia..
Tolong tegur si dia, bila dia tenggelam dalam angan-angannya..
Tolong tegur si dia, andai nafsu mengawal fikirannya..

Tolong sedarkan si dia. Aku milik Yang Maha Esa..
Tolong sedarkan si dia. Aku masih milik keluarga..
Tolong sedarkan si dia, tanggungjawabnya besar kepada keluarganya..

Tolong sabarkan si dia, usah ucap cinta di kala cita-cita belum terlaksana..
Tolong sabarkan si dia, andai diri ini enggan dirapati kerana menjaga batasan cinta..
Tolong sabarkan si dia, bila jarak menjadi penyebab bertambah rindunya..

Tolong pesan padanya. Aku tidak mahu menjadi fitnah besar kepadanya..
Tolong pesan padanya. Aku tak mahu menjadi punca kegagalannya..
Tolong pesan padanya aku membiarkan Yang Esa menjaga dirinya..

Tolong khabarkan pada si dia. Aku tidak mahu melekakan dia..
Tolong khabarkan pada si dia. Aku mahu dia berjaya dalam impian dan cita-citanya..
Tolong khabarkan pada si dia, jadilah penyokong dalam kejayaanku..

Tolong sampaikan pada si dia. Aku mendambakan cinta suci yang terjaga..
Tolong sampaikan pada si dia, cinta kerana Allah tidak ternilai harganya..
Tolong sampaikan pada si dia, hubungan ini terjaga selagi dia menjaga hubungan dengan Yang Maha Kuasa..
Tolong sampaikan kepada si dia kerana aku tidak mampu memberitahunya sendiri...

Hanya engkau Ya Allah mengetahui siapa si dia..
Moga pesananku sampai padanya walau aku sendiri tidak mengetahui siapa dan dimana si dia..
Moga dia seekor lebah yang sentiasa memuji keagungan Yang Maha Kuasa memasuki taman larangan dengan sopan santunnya dan bertemu mawar berduri yang terjaga oleh tuannya..

Simpanlah pesanan ku ini sehingga engkau bertemu diriku suatu hari nanti.."

-Shared by a Delicate lady-friend with an msn nick of, Imam Al-Haafdiz Ibnu Haajar Al-'Asqolaanee.


Saturday, March 8
Time checked : 4:41 AM

Today, was my first day of action at work. Yes, it's a b-e-a-u-tiful Saturday - and I'm working. Adapt anna! The pharmacy i'm attached to: inpatient ward is pretty busy just like the other pharmacies in the hospital, but the good point is that the team doesn't need to be in the frontline of handling customers. It's like pack and go. Pharmacy Asst., Pharmacy Techs prepare the prescriptions, and then hand over to the pharmacists. Tablets, suppositories, parenterals...u name it. It's all there. A medicine-haven? Heh. Fortunately no smell. :) I used to think that hospitals have this particular ubat smell.

I had a hard time locating the prescriptions as I wasn't familiar. Learnt how to use a machine that intelligently counts for you the tablets. Works the same way as an analytical balance tho. My newly found filipino friend, Vince mentioned that the peak periods where the team goes kerazee packing r from 10am to 2pm. My legs were showing signs of resistance for standing from 10am to 1pm...3 hrs je. Weak ahh anna. Wonder how I'm gonna survive 7.5 hrs/day standing. My first aim for the first month is to learn as many things as I can swallow and digest. And do things with precision and accuracy. InsyaAllah.

Oh! And a newly found friend Bevi, whom i met during orientation showed me a prayer room which was called the "Quiet Room". Alhamdulilah. She was sooo kind and patient to show me all the possible areas in which the workers pray. Alhamdulilah, Thankful to have met her.

Tuesday, March 4
Time checked : 5:41 AM

"When there is only one choice, there's only one solution. With only one solution, there's limited success." - David Meier.


Well, that's what he says. Couldn't that one choice bring many other possible solutions as well, and hence the ultimate success?

Just one of the little mic-talks that perked me up throughout todays' orientation at **** hospital. Confidential lah... don't wanna mention the hospital im working at. Heh. :P

Everything's going fine, alhamdulilah. Have not started getting my shoes dirty at the moment. Still in the orientation week. One problem. A place to solat. I've not really find a suitable place to pray, as everywhere is bombarded by mobile people, people mobilised by ward beds, wheel chairs etc. Even the place i prayed this afternoon ( in which i thought had scarcely anyone) was actually used by some. But i continued my prayers anyway. Susah nak khusyuk knowing that the place you r praying might be a passage way for others. Cobaan. Any suggestions people?

I've not gone for my jab. Hepatitis B vaccination. I was so confident that I need not take that jab as my past medical records stated that I had that jab before. Boo-hoo..! Its 3 jabs mind you. The idea of something piercing your tender skin, and something going in your blood vessel while blood is drawn out at the same time ain't painting a good picture on my mind. I think i'm gonna delay my vaccination till next 2 weeks when i finally get a hang of the basic work scope.

K. Sleeping. Salam (Peace) !