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Thursday, January 31
Time checked : 4:23 PM

I found a note on my messy-with-papers-desk which says:

Beli kangkong beli cabai.
Assalamualaikum good by

Kla. The" good by" is supposed to be "good-bye". Whatever it is, i find it discreetly amusing. And I know at the back of my head who the mysterious noter was. Cikgu Ahmad! One of the respected senior citizens in my office here.

I have finally done it. Cuma belom sebarkan berita to my big boss. My boss was rather supportive of my decision. Alhamdulilah. Now cuma tinggal big boss. Bila eh nak bilang. Back to work. Tata for now.

Sunday, January 20
Time checked : 3:35 AM

My deepest senses that was long dried, dulled and empty were hydrated and painted with vivid colours of tomorrow by today's class. Very motivational and inspirational indeed. Alhamdulilah. I feel very much alive and with a stronger sense of direction in life.

I am still in the process of applying for jobs. I have been applying since November 2007 but i've not received any calls from anyone for an invitation to an interview. Only Allah knows how I'm really feeling.

I have another poem to share while i was browsing though the search engines. Makes you wonder why I'm in a poetic mood these days. heh.

I asked for Strength.........And God gave me Difficulties to make strong.
I asked for Wisdom.........And God gave me Problems to solve.
I asked for Prosperity.........And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.
I asked for Courage.........And God gave me Danger to overcome.
I asked for Love.........And God gave me Troubled people to help.
I asked for Favours.........And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted

I received everything I needed

My Prayer has been answered

- Anonymous

Wednesday, January 16
Time checked : 6:19 AM

For the past few days, I have been having the urge to regurgitate the contents in my head. Unfortunately my stamina is going down down downnn sampai nak duduk depan computer pun tak rela. Alhamdulilah, today i feel more energized after 2 days of early rest. And i have been wondering what is draining me down. Perhaps its the psycological effects of work? heheh. macam takde topic lain. asik keje keje keje.

And the song from Music & Lyrics soundtrack keeps playing in my mind
"...I need inspiration, not just another negotiation..."

I was browsing thru my past blog archives and i just want to re-share this lovely poem that i got from somewhere. And maybe, just maybe it can be a reminder to us all.

Life is about experiences, which makes us to grow;
According to time and situations, it flow.

Sometimes everything seems clear and perfect,
Sometimes, it's all haze;
Maybe, life is a maze,
Every time, it leaves us amaze.

Not everyone in life, gets everything.
we lose even by gaining,
and gain even by losing.

Why cry for losing something,
which we never owned.

Life doesn't stop by accidents;
Else, the world would have ended.

Even in whole life, for someone, you change our ways;
At the end of day, with you, only your shadow stays.

The world may seem beautiful,
and people influence by charm;
But, in times of need,
it's our own hand, at the end of our arm.

Love and relations, are like sand,
Which we try to hold in our hand;
The more we want them to stay,
the more they slip away.

Let no one and nothing control you,
Come what may;
Let you, only your faith in Allah's way.

Things that are just part of life,
Must be kept that way.
If we make them life, by mistake;
Heart is bound to break.

Today may seem faint and dull,
Compared to beautiful past;
But, tomorrow will bring beautiful moments to last.

Why look for a shoulder to cry on,
And support from someone;
One moment people are around,next moment gone;
Fact is,He's the strongest man in life, who stands on his own...all alone.

Whenever in life, things seem to slip out of your hands;
Give it in Allah's hands,
Since, everything is safe in his hands.

After every sunset of hurts and despair,
There's a new sunrise of hopes and prayer.

It takes both rain and sunshine to make rainbows,
And like a spring, life always flows;

Even after a bright day ends,
Still in the dark night sky, stars and moon glows....

Sigh~ Beautifully written.