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Saturday, July 28
Time checked : 5:07 AM

an·a·gram (ān'ə-grām')
A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain.

I'm fascinated by anagrams. Thanks to Dan Brown. I've got a lovely piece of writing to share. Enjoy.

Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:

I was (once) behind the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) when he said to me, “Boy, I teach you (a few) words: Remember Allah, and He will protect you. Remember Allah (observing His commands and avoiding His prohibitions face) and you will find Him close to you. When you have to ask for something, ask of Allah. When you seek help, seek Allah’s help. Believe firmly that if all the creation desires to benefit you in anything, they can never benefit you, but that which Allah has decreed for you. If they all unite to harm you, they will not be able to harm you in anything, but that which Allah has decreed for you.” (At-Tirmidhi)

These are important words. They are part of our faith as Muslims. We believe in one God. We are the people of tawheed (monotheism). Tawheed affects our lives, our personalities, and our behavior. It gives us the following:

1. Dignity and Self-Esteem
A believer in tawheed knows that Allah alone is the possessor of all power and none besides Him can benefit or harm a person, provide for his needs, give or take away life, or wield authority or influence. This makes a person independent and highly dignified. Such a person would not disgrace himself by bowing in homage to any creature, or begging anyone else. Such a person is not overawed by any person’s greatness. A person of tawheed has great determination, patience and perseverance. He is unshaken by any difficulty. He relies on Allah and places his trust in Allah. When such a person makes up his mind and devotes to do Allah’s commands, he has full confidence in the support of the most powerful Lord.

2. Modesty and Humbleness
A believer in tawheed knows that Allah is the ultimate power and only Allah controls everything. Whatever one has is given by Allah. Allah can take away just as He can give. He knows that whatever happens in this world, big or small, good or evil, advantage or disadvantage, success or loss, increase or decrease, life or death, richness or poverty, health or sickness, everything happens by the will of Allah. A believer in tawheed cannot be arrogant and self conceited because he believes that his merits or achievements are not due to his own worth, they are gifts from Allah. Such a person is always thankful to Allah and recognizes how much he depends upon Allah.

3. Morality,Tolerance and Open-Mindedness
The believer in tawheed is always morally upright. All his standards come from one and the same authority, the authority of Allah. He does not have double or multiple standards. There is only one Lord and the Lord treats all people equally. The rules of Allah are universal and they are applicable to all people in all places. A believer in tawheed knows that Allah has created everything in this universe, and every thing and every being belongs to Allah. This makes a person very open minded, tolerant, and caring. Sometimes people say that monotheism makes people intolerant, but we say that this is the most tolerant and compassionate belief system. Because we do not believe that this thing belongs to our God and that thing belongs to some other god. It ispolytheism and atheism that divide the people and create intolerance and dissentions, not tawheed.

4. Ultimate Peace and Contentment
The belief in tawheed purges the mind of jealousy, envy, and greed, and keeps away the temptation of resorting to base and unfair means for achieving success. The believer has faith that everything is in the hand of Allah. Honor, power, reputation, authority, and everything are under His control and He gives to whomever He wills. The duty of the human being is to struggle, to do good, and to trust in Allah.

Saturday, July 14
Time checked : 6:57 AM

I was working industriously in my cubicle one day when I overheard (can’t help it…generally teachers here have LOUD voices) a conversation near the pantry:

“…life is too short for pretence…”

For a moment, I pondered over the phrase.

**Pulling back threads of thoughts**

And I can't help thinking. Working makes me wanna be a housewive rather than a career women. Seriously.

Thursday, July 12
Time checked : 6:53 AM

" A mood swing is an extreme or rapid change in mood. They are commonly associated with mood disorders, of which the classic example is bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) and also a major factor in hyperactive or hyperactive/inattentive ADHD. However they should not be confused with these disorders, for they are not the same.

Other causes of mood swings are due to hormonal changes that can temporarily upset brain chemistry, such as during PMS, perimenopause, menopause or puberty. As the hormones involved normalize, these mood swings generally subside on their own.

Research indicates that women experience mood swings twice as often as men. Most women experience mood swings as a result of pregnancy or post-partum. Mood swings are closely related to Post Partum Depression. Treating mood swings has an 80% to 90% success rate for those who seek help; however, many people will not discuss mood swings with their doctors. As a result, over sixty percent of individuals who suffer from this potentially debilitating disorder remain untreated. "
Been nearly a month since I started working. So far, Alhamdulilahh. Looking forward for this weekend. Too bad its just a short weekend. But its better than nothing....