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Monday, June 25
Time checked : 12:39 AM

I got this article from my mom, and I think it's really useful, to be applied in our daily lives, starting from today!

Winning Hearts

Abu Hurairah and Ka'b Bin Malik (Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "The parable of a believer is that of a fresh and moist plant; the wind tilts it this way and that way; and so is the believer; he continues to be subject to affliction. And the parable of a hypocrite is that of a firm cedar tree; it does not shake, until it is uprooted all at once." (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Here are 11 pieces of advice to help you in winning others hearts. My pieces of advice are like arrows that aim at shooting hearts as its only target. I mean here, to be the virtuous merits, that captivate others hearts and help in overcoming imperfections. Actually, such merits have their own effective power in charming hearts.

#1 Smile
It is the first arrow and the fastest of them all. It is like the salt for food. It is also regarded as a kind of worship and alms-giving as is mentioned in a hadith "Smiling at your brother's face is as charity (Sadaqa)".

Abdullah ibn al Harith tells us about the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying that he had never seen someone smile at the other's face as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to do.

#2 Be always the one who initiates greetings
This arrow is the one that lets you to be in the innermost depths of the others hearts. This arrow needs a skillful shooter. The needed skills are the hearty smile, the warm shaking of hands and the friendly welcoming to the other.

Being successfully achieved, such kinds of skills are going to be rewarded, referring to the hadith "In greetings, the better is he who initiates greeting the other."

Umar al Nadi tells us that he went out once with Umar ibn al Khattab's son. While walking, he found him saluting all whom he met, whether being old or young. Al Hasan al-Basri also said "Shaking hands strengthens brotherhood feelings".
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said "Do not ever waste your good deeds, even by meeting your brother with a frowning face." He said also said "Shaking hands removes hatred and exchanging presents enhances love and ends enmity."

#3 The Presents
It has a strange charming affection that captivates all senses. Hence, exchanging presents and gifts in different occasions is a pleasant habit however gifts should be within one's tolerable expenses. Ibrahim al Zahri tells us about his father saying "My father got a sum of money as a reward, in due, he asked me to send donations to his family members and friends . As we were about to finish, he asked me, Have we missed any one? I answered No! He said I think that we did. He continued We have missed someone whose welcome to me was really warm. Would you please send him this sum of money?" Look how he loved the man and wished to reward him for his warm welcome.

#4 Be silent
Speak in what benefits. Loud voice and chattering are bad merits. You have to be sweet-worded, tender in expressing yourself. Concerning this merit, The Prophet (peace be upon him) said "The good word is a charity (is a Sadaqa)." If the good word has its own magic in winning the hearts of your enemies how powerfully it would work then with your brothers' hearts!!

Here the Prophet's wife addresses the enemies saying "Damn you" and the Prophet (peace be upon him) prevents her by saying "Calm down". Allah likes for the matters to be dealt with gently. He also said "Nobility of manners and taciturnity( habitually uncommunicative or reserved in speech) and manner are the best of manners that people are ever characterized by."

#5 Be a good listener
It is to listen patiently and never interrupt the speaker, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) never interrupted a speaker till he ended his speech. And he who fights for this merit gains others love and admiration, whilst on the contrary is the one who chatters and interrupts the other. Atta` tells us about how he behaves concerning this merit and says "When someone speaks to me , I listen to him as if it is the first time I have heard this subject, though I have heard it thousands of times before. "

#6 Appearance and dressing well
You have to be careful with your appearance so as to be neat, well dressed and sweet smelling as well. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says that Allah loves beauty to be in every thing.

#7 Being in others favor and helping them
Good treatment classifies you as an obedient, beloved slave of Allah as the Prophet (peace be upon him) Muhammad says "The more you are in favor of others, the more you are beloved by Allah as Allah says in the Quran: And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good (Al-Baqarah:195)

#8 Being Generous
Offering money is the key for most of the closed doors that hinder you from reaching others hearts, especially in these days. In the conquest of Makkah, there was a man called Safwan Ibn Umia. That man ran away after making all possible means in keeping the people of Islam and after making conspiracies to kill the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Later on, the Prophet (peace be upon him) forgave him and he came back asking the Prophet (peace be upon him) to give him the time of two months to think about Islam and the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "You can take four months, not just two." In spite of being an atheist, he accompanied the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the Hunain and Al Taif conquests. In Al Ta`if, while the Prophet (peace be upon him) was dividing the booties of the war, he noticed that man looking longingly to a vast land in which a large number of cattle were flocking.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked him "Do you like it?" The man eagerly answered "Yes." The Prophet (peace be upon him) said "It is for you then." Safwan said "Only a prophet could behave as generously as you have to me. I believe that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His prophet." Notice how the Prophet (peace be upon him) found the missing key and succeeded in moving his heart.

#9 To have a good opinion of others and to give them an excuse
Keeping an eye on others behavior is a bad merit that blocks your way to their hearts. On the contrary is to have a good opinion of them. So, try hard to give your brothers the excuse as much as you can. Concerning this merit, Ibn Al Mubarak says also "The believer is he who gives his brothers the excuse , and the hypocrite is he who seeks their slips."

#10 Express your feelings instantly
If you loved someone, or felt good feelings about him, don't wait, just tell him at once. Regarding this, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said "If you felt the brotherly love of Islam towards any, you should immediately go and tell him about your feelings." He added "It is the way relations are to be strongly indicated". Such love is to be blessed by Allah if it is for Allah's sake, not for any other personal affairs such as seeking high position, money, fame etc. Unless this love is for Allah's sake, it is a fruitless kind of brotherhood then.

Allah says in the Quran "Friends on that Day will be foes, one to another; except the Righteous." (Az-Zukhruf: 67) The pity is that people are always either cruelly and harshly treating each other or extremely tender that they adore each other. Actually, it is a matter of striking a balance between heart and mind, something that differs according to the difference of characters and circumstances. It is absolutely a blessing given by Allah.

#11 Sociability
It is the art of being social. Here, a kind of misconception could exist between sociability and hypocrisy. Could you differentiate between the two meanings? Al Qurtubi differentiates between hypocrisy and sociability, regarding sociability as a desirable legal behavior, saying that sociability means sacrificing the worldly affairs for the sake of improving either life on earth or religion, or so as to improve both, while hypocrisy aims at sacrificing religion for the sake of the worldly affairs.

Hence, being sociable for ill-mannered people is aiming to achieve two purposes: Firstly, to avoid being mistreated by them. Secondly, being good to them could be guidance for them to step the right way. Compliments should be within worldly affairs only, never in religious affairs, otherwise, it will be a matter of hypocrisy. To be sociable, means to be tender, smiling, praising to the other, intending in the meantime a legal benefit.

Friday, June 22
Time checked : 5:32 AM

Your results:
You are Superman

You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Eh superman? Superlady can?
Im pretty fine with superman though I prefer the enigmatic batman more.
As a kid back then, I always ask myself why most superheroes don't seem to understand that undergarments are meant to be really under. Heez.
Everyone loves a hero.

Thursday, June 21
Time checked : 5:22 AM

A comical representation of what I've had, and am going through. toothpastefordinner.com

School Phase.

Work Phase.

And. I feel like this sometimes. The okokokokok-opinionless-don'tbother mood.

I feel shot down. Reading an article relating to stress helped abit. Having a bad day or not in your highest spirits? Hope this would perk you up.

"Be sure We will test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives, but give glad tidings to those who are steadfast, who say when afflicted with calamity: To God we belong and to Him is our return. They are those on whom (descend) blessings from God and mercy and they are the ones that receive guidance." (Qur'an 2:155)

Whatever we are given is a gift from God. We are not their owners. Everything belongs to God and returns to Him. So if we don't own these things why mourn their loss or wax proud on receiving them.

Only God knows what our ultimate destiny is. We cannot peek into our future. We do, however, have a limited free will; we are free to choose between good or bad, to believe in God or not to believe in Him, but we have no control over future not related to our ability to act in the present over such things is of no use. Rejection of faith in the Qur'an is described as a disease, its cause being arrogance and reluctance to accept truth.

"In their heart there is a disease and God has increased their disease and grievous is their penalty because they lie to themselves". (Qur'an 2:10)

Sunday, June 17
Time checked : 7:04 AM

I recalled an ustzh preaching "...tiada suatu kebahagian pun yang sempurna bagi seseorang & tiada suatu kebaikan pun yang sempurna bagi seseorang..." in simple words, nothing is perfect.

If everything is 100% perfect, what's the use of living in this world. Imagine, succeeding in all aspects of life. Imagine, gaining everyone's love and trust. Imagine, having the perfect family and friends. Imagine, being able to do things without trouble. Yes, things will be smooth, easy going and hassle free. But wouldn't it be mundane and senseless if everything is so perfect and crystal clear. With a "perfect" or ideal life, we will be bound to a life in this world without an aim. And I believe we all have an aim in life one way or another. Ideality doesn't give us the golden opportunity for us to define our potential and develop our character for the better. Nor to push ourselves to prepare for the day of judgement.

"Dunia bukan syurgamu yang hakiki. Cobaan untuk menguji koliti keimanan. Cobaan yang diuji oleh hamba Allah mengikuti kebolehan seseorang."

Wednesday, June 13
Time checked : 10:26 AM

I'm very very tempted to post a debate between an atheist professor of philosophy against his new student about science and God. Apparently, there is no bias in the debate as i received this from a non-muslim myself. It only takes an open mind that is ready to receive and give a thought or two. It doesn't need acceptance. Nor a forced obligation to disagree with it. Oh well. Since I don't possess a license-that-doesn't-even-exist for freedom of speech in this area in accordance to the rules of this island, i'll put a fullstop bout the debate posting.

My growing interest in comparative religion has pushed aside most of the unbeneficial musical hobbies that Im once fond of during my days of ignorance. Alhamdulilah. Little by little. My enthusiams lies specifically in Abrahamic religions, as most encyclopedias call it in which involves the two most influencial religions until this era. Reading and analysing. It's wonderful and beautiful. No questions asked. Makes me more motivated to memorise the entire Qu'ran. Looks like ive got loads to work on for that. Heez. InsyaAllah one fine day.

Tuesday, June 12
Time checked : 7:19 AM

I was surveying my school that I was posted to and how I wished I had a compass just like Captain Jack Sparrow. It’s the compass that takes you where you want the most…specifically where you desire.

I’m not good with directions; I once said this to a friend. I guess I depend heavily on my instincts rather than the map that I printed from the net. If only my instincts for directions are strong. If I ever possess Captain Jack Sparrow’s compass, I guess it wouldn’t be a good conjecture after all as it can possibly direct you to a misleading destination.

Night is beautiful. I was walking home from Ghufran with sis late one night walking through the dark, unlighted looong path and as I glanced into the dark skies, I noticed that there were quite a constellation of stars, only if you stare at the heavens longer. They get more distinct and the prominent ones will be luring their shine. Sadly. I’m no astronomer to point out Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Boötes, Cancer and Orion. I wouldn’t deny that night is enchanting. Beats the femme fatale.

And this song has been playing in my head.

“…when the sun shine
we shine together
told you I’ll be here forever
said I'll always be a friend
took an oath, I'ma stick it out till to the end
now that its raining more then eva
know that we still have each other
you can stand under my umbrella
you can stand under my umbrella…”

Okay. Elvis has left the building.

Tuesday, June 5
Time checked : 8:47 PM

Time flies in a hypersonic speed in my world where I appear to be sluggish. It's as if you're there all the time, just witnessing events come and go in a pronto. I can't believe that I'm actually gonna commence WORK next friday. Can you believe it??? Working life. Seems like a big HOO-HAA. If you're wondering how i'm feeling, i don't feel anything actually. Like...go with the flow.

School..okay go
Holiday...okay go.
Work...okay go.

But that doesn't mean i don't have directions in life. I do have, but i make it fit with the flow. Like why stress yourself to something you know you can't in reality. Like meet Tom Welling. Or be the next Marie Curie. Or be the next billion dollar lady. MAYbe. I'm just being a pessimist at this moment. Let's start small.

Currently have a "list" of books to be read. One of them of which i picked out during the bookfair at Wisma Indah entitled, The Ideal Muslimah by Dr Muhammad 'Ali al-Hashimi. It's a pretty inspiring book of 549 pages. Worth reading it and applying to our daily life. Who doesn't wanna be the ideal muslimah? I'll share a couple of things from the book in this blog once i've read it. And another book in the process of being read is, Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. After so long, i've finally got hold of this book.

Monday, June 4
Time checked : 5:30 PM

What a beautiful morning!

Imagine opening your delicate eyes to these views.

Imagine inhaling the fresh scent of blooming flowers and pure air that will leave you revitalized.

Imagine feeling the gentle touch of the chilly breeze though your hair and hearing the faint melody of the rustling leaves greeting you for this glorious occasion.

Imagine witnessing the soft rays of sunrise crack through the dawn. SubhanAllah!

That's alot of vision today.
And I woke up today seeing the wall.
And hearing the blaring of bikers.

Well, at least I'm well and given one more day to live. Alhamdulilah.

K wanna go eat dosai. I'm hungry you know! Bye!