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Saturday, May 26
Time checked : 8:46 AM

Came across a short story recently, yang boleh kita bersama-sama renungkan isi kandungannya. Mungkin ada diantara kita yang pernah mengalami situasi yang perit sebegini. Namun, mungkin ini adalah satu cara dari Ilahi bagaimana hidayah boleh disampaikan kepada kita supaya kita bersedar dari kegelapan ataupun kesesakkan yang meragut keimanan. Renungilah cerpen rekaan ini. Moga-moga, kita dapat mempelajari sedikit daripadanya.

Cinta Kedua di Yahoo Messenger
Oleh: Manfira Aula

Nadia, dah makan belum?
Ayang buat apa hari ni?
Kenapa Nadia sounds unhappy?

Itu perbualan dahulu. Ketika aku masih jahil. Ketika perbualan berjam-jam di telefon bersama seorang teman lelaki merupakan satu kebiasaan. Bahkan rutin yang menjadi pelik jika tidak dilakukan.

Nad dah tidur belum? Ke tengah bercakap lagi dengan Danial tu? Sudahlah tu, karang tinggi pulak bil telefonnya.’

Begitulah kata ibu, tatkala malam semakin larut dan dia masih lagi bergayut.Dan dia akan terus menggerutu sendiri dan membawa telefon mudah alih ke dalam bilik. Sambil menyambung untaian kasih asmara bersama Danial di balik selimutnya. Kata-kata Danial seolah-olah lebih enak didengar dari mematuhi suruhan ibu tercinta.

Tapi itu dahulu, sewaktu dia belum mengenal erti sebenar cinta. Ketika lidah masih basah mengungkapkan kata cinta fana. Tatkala dirinya masih naif dan mendambakan kasih dari seorang teruna yang tidak halal buatnya. Sebelum dia mengetahui, di sebalik cinta manusia itu, terdapat satu cinta yang lebih agung, mulia, jernih dan hakiki.

dannybasri: assalamualaikum.nadia ke?

dannybasri : apa khabar sekarang?

Begitu tulisannya , di balik window yahoo messenger yang menjadi medium perantara dua insan berjauhan.

dannybasri: dah lama kita tak jumpe kan?

Entah mengapa tiba-tiba, jantungnya berdebar-debar melihat tulisan itu. Dia mengelip mata berkali-kali seolah-olah tidak percaya. Tapi dia pasti itulah Danial yang dikenalinya. Sekian lama dia cuba mengelak untuk bertemu dengan lelaki ini di alam nyata, kini dia muncul di depan "mata"! Tidak langsung dia sedari yang dia baru sahaja ‘add’ ID dannybasri sebentar tadi.

Perlukah dia menjawab? Perlukah dia menyulam kembali ikatan yang telah lama terurai? Siapa pula yang memberikan IDnya kepada mamat ini?Apa salahnya kalau kau membalas. Bukan apa pun. Lagipun dah lama tak dengar khabar. Di satu sisi, hatinya berbisik. Betul, tapi aku takut, aku akan terjebak di dalam situasi yang sama.Lagipun apa faedahnya dia menghubungi aku ketika ini? Apa tujuan dia?

dannybasri: danny paham kalo nad tak mahu cakap dgn danny. danny dapat ID nad ni pun dr taufiq. lama juga danny minta dari dia, baru skrg dia kasi.

Hmm....siap ko Taufiq. Akanku suruh Dila kenakan kau. Tak tau menjaga rahsia! Dila jaga suami hang bebaik na.... tetapi kupasti Taufiq tidak akan memberikan ID ku tanpa sebab.Taufiq dan Danial berkawan baik semenjak di bangku sekolah. Selepas SPM, mereka mengorak jalan yang berbeza. Danny mendapat tawaran untuk ke Melborne dan membuat program foundation di sana, sedangkan dia dan Taufiq ditempatkan di kolej persediaan untuk ke United Kingdom.

Sewaktu hangat cinta pertamanya bersama Danny, mereka tidak pernah berhubung melalui media elektronik. Oleh sebab itu, Nadia pasti Danny tidak akan dapat mengesannya semenjak hubungan mereka diputuskan .

dannybasri: hmmm.....danny cume nak minta maaf pada nad. Sudah lama juga danny cuba untuk mencari nad. Setelah kita...

Dia berhenti. Nadia kaget menunggu. Semua kerjanya terhenti semenjak kemunculan window terbaru itu.

dannybasri : sejak peristiwa dulu, nad cuba mengasingkan diri dari danny. danny tak paham mengapa tetiba nad menyepi tanpa berita. danny call dan datang rumah nad. But no response from u. waktu danny fly pun nad tak datang untuk hantar.

dannybasri: waktu tu i was so confused! why did you do that to me? danny jadi tak betul untuk beberapa minggu sampai mama naik risau! danny rindukan nad bagai nak gile!

dannybasri : tapi bile danny dicampakkan di bumi kangaroo ni, danny dah mula sedar. banyak yang danny belajar dari kawan2 dan senior2 di sini. danny bukan sahaja menuntut ilmu medic tapi sahabat2 danny telah mula mengenalkan danny kepada ketinggian dan kedalaman ilmu Islam.

dannybasri: dan semenjak itu danny mula nampak segala dosa dan kesilapan danny selama ni... terutamanya kepada nad!maafkan danny nad!

dannybasri : danny malu kepada nad. malu kerana nad terlebih dahulu menyedari kesilapan kita.....

Senyap. Nadia berkira-kira untuk membalas. Tidak tahan rasanya membiarkan Danial berfikir bahawa dia menulis kepada sang tunggul. Lagipun, ingin sangat dia bertanyakan beberapa soalan. Ketegasannya selama ini tidak melayan kaum Adam berchatting melainkan atas urusan kerja dilunturkan sedikit. Gelora di jiwa mengetuk-getuk pintu hatinya untuk menulis. Baru sahaja dia mahu menekan punat D, tiba-tiba Danial membalas.

dannybasri: ada seperkara lagi yang danny nak beritahu.

dannybasri : danny ingat nak call je nad tapi rasanya lebih elok kalo danny cakap di sini saje sebab danny tau mesti nad akan rasa tak selesa bukan?

Nadia tersenyum sendiri. Dah tahu mahu bertanya! Namun di sudut hatinya Nadia kagum dengan Danial yang "sekarang". Butir percakapannya lebih teratur dan sopan. Dia menghormatiku sebagai seorang wanita. Tidak seperti dahulu yang melayanku layak seorang suami terhadap isterinya!

Sementara itu, fikiran Nadia menyelinap ke lembaran memorinya 4 tahun yang silam.

"Dan janganlah kamu mendekati zina; sesungguhnya zina itu adalah suatu perbuatan yang keji dan suatu jalan yang buruk." (Al-Isra’ : 32)

Mungkin kerana semilir bayu di pagi hari itu atau mungkin kesan tahajudnya saban malam sebelum SPM diteladeni, sedikit sebanyak telah melentur lembut hatinya yang selama ini membatu keras berselaput kerak dosa. Tatkala dibacanya ayat-ayat Allah itu hatinya sangat terusik lantas bermenung lama memikirkan. Nadia terasa Allah seolah-olah berkata-kata dan menegurnya.

"Dan di antara manusia ada orang-orang yang menyembah tandingan-tandingan selain Allah; mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang beriman sangat cintakan Allah." (Al-Baqarah : 165)

Pernah orang bertanya, siapakah yang paling dicintainya. Dia menjawab Allah dan RasulNya. Namun, dia tidak pernah benar-benar mengorek isi hati dan menemui siapa yang sentiasa terpahat di relung hatinya. Begitu juga tidak diselidikinya nama siapa yang sering basah dibibirnya. Ternyata bukan Allah dan Muhammad Nabinya. Tetapi Danial!

Tatkala hidayah meresap di jiwa, dan mengalir di seluruh urat nadinya, Nadia berazam untuk mengikis cintanya terhadap Danial. Dia cuba untuk menolak kesemua ajakan Danial dan tidak langsung menjawab panggilan telefonnya.Dia tidak langsung memberikan penjelasan kepada Danial; cuma sepotong ayat yang menyatakan mereka tidak boleh lagi bersama. Noktah.

Dirasakan dirinya kejam namun dia tidak sanggup hidup di dalam penjara buatannya lagi. Dia mahu bebas dari belenggu rantai maksiat dan keresahan jiwa lantas meraih cinta Allah dengan mempersembahkan apa yang Dia redhai semata. Dengan cara itu sahaja dia dapat mengecap cinta yang agung itu. Cinta seorang mukmin yang sangat cintakan TuhanNya.

dannybasri : hmmmm....tak mengapalah. danny nak maklumkan yang danny akan balik malaysia esok.

Lamunan Nadia terhenti tatkala tulisan Danial bersambung.

dannybasri : InsyaAllah, danny akan melangsungkan walimah 5 hari dari sekarang.

Seakan-akan guruh bergempita di ruangan biliknya, Nadia terkesima. Dia tersandar di atas kerusi. Dibacanya ayat terakhir Danial berulang kali seakan-akan tidak percaya. Gembira? Sedih? Terkejut?

Segala-galanya beradun dan berputar dahsyat di dalam hatinya.

Kenapa aku begini? Dia sendiri berasa kaget dengan dirinya. Apa salahnya Danny berkahwin? Tapi dia masih tetap berasa resah dan aneh. Bukankah telah kubuang dirinya dari hatiku? Bukankah telah kuletak cintaku hanya untuk yang Maha Satu? Takkan aku masih cintakan dia? Mungkin kerana sudah lama dia tidak hadir dalam hidupku menyebabkan kemunculannya kali ini menyentak perasaanku? Ãtau adakah aku masih berharap yang Danial akan kembali kepadaku sebagai insan yang lebih soleh dan memulakan diari cinta kami yang kedua?

Nadia tidak dapat berfikir lurus. Ditariknya nafas panjang dan digagahkan matanya untuk menatap skrin. Danial masih menulis tapi dia tak boleh membaca dengan jelas. Ada manik basah di sekeliling matanya.

dannybasri : jemputlah datang ye nad. danny sudah hantar jemputan pada keluarga nad di malaysia. jika nad ada di malaysia, jangan lupa singgah ye.

Dia nampak bersungguh-sungguh. Di sudut hati, Nadia bersyukur kerana Danial bertemu dengan seorang yang mungkin jauh lebih baik darinya. Tapi di satu sudut yang lain, dia berasa hairan, mengapa tidak dicarinya dia semula? Dia takut lamarannya akan ditolak? Manakan dia akan menolak jika Danny sudah berada di atas jalan yang sama denganya?Mengapa??!!

dannybasri: ok nad. gtg. take care. assalamualaikum dannybasri has signed out. (12/16/2004 12:02 AM)

raudahhuda: danial!!!

Nadia tidak sempat untuk mengejar Danial. Dia benar-benar telah pergi. Pergi seperti mana dia telah ditinggalkannya.

Nadia mengeluh panjang sambil merenung kegelapan malam yang sunyi dan dingin. Hatinya dirasakan sekelam kepekatan malam itu. Mengapa Ya Allah, kau takdirkan perkara ini terjadi padaku?

Di dalam kedinginan malam yang syahdu. Kedengaran suara esakan seorang primadona yang bersenandung dengan kekasihNya:

Ya Allah, bukanlah aku mahu menyalahkan takdirMu. Dan bukan juga aku mahu menafikan hakikat yang berlaku. Rupa-rupanya aku membohongiMu Ya Allah. Tatkala aku mengaku aku mencintaimu semata, namun masih terdapat sekelumit rasa cintaku kepada yang bukan milikku.Ya Allah, sesungguhnya telah kumungkir waktuku terdahulu dengan menjerumuskan diriku dengan cinta yang palsu. Namun hakikatnya, masih kumugkiri lagi ikrarku Ya Allah, kerana detik-detik sebelum pernikahanku, aku masih mendambakan cinta dari manusia.Aku lupa ya Allah, bahawa pernikahan itu bukanlah segalanya.

Pernikahan itu hanya membuka babak baru untuk memajukan langkah dakwah. Mungkin dengan pernikahan itu, aku akan lebih mencintai dunia dari beribadah padaMu Ya Allah. Kerana kadang-kadang godaan terbesar datang dari orang yang paling dekat denganku.Ya Allah, aku yakin , di sana..jauh atau dekat, ada seseorang yang memang diciptakan untukku. Mungkin seperti danny, mungkin juga lebih baik darinya. Seperkara yang pasti, tidak akan kunangis kerana lelaki lagi ya Allah! Ya Rabbal Alamin..

Subuh pagi hari itu, kedengaran burung-burung gagak berkicauan dengan meriah seolah-olah mahu memberitakan kepada seluruh warga kota Exeter akan kisah primadona Nadia.

Senandung Nadia kepada dirinya , biarlah detapan jemari di keyboard malam hari tadi merupakan noktah perbualan yang terakhir antara dia dan Danial.

Dihirupnya udara pagi itu dengan rasa puas, puas dengan rasa cinta pada RabbNya.

Friday, May 25
Time checked : 7:28 AM

Guess what. We didn't get our posting just now. :( Dah excited...abeh tk dpt result pulak. But I just got to know that we'll be posted to a primary school instead of a sec sch. YAY. Welcome back to sekolah bangku! I love to talk to kids. And sometimes act like one. All geared up for fun and challenges. Hope this is the right job for me, insyaAllah.

Oh yeah. Nad and I went to Khai's kindergarden to assist in her popcorn making. Any secret recipe? Its made with TLC (Tender Loving Care). Ingredients would be planta butter, honey, sugar. Proportions? Err...Hentam ah. Ask Khai. Got to socialise with a bunch of kids aged around 4 to 6. Kiiiut. Innocent Nonsense!

Great Singapore Sale has started. Need to replace my shoes yang sekarang bermulut. Where's the best place to buy shoes eh.

Thursday, May 24
Time checked : 7:07 PM

1330 hours. The time where I'll get to know my posting. And aside from that, the dates of my training before I commence work. I'm in an ebullient mood right now. I can imagine my heart pouncing off right through my skin and coiling back to its place when the time comes. Wild imagination. I missed my friends. Seriously. Since they've all started working and stuff, not much of hanging out like the old times. I'm one of those who have not started working. Working life. Sheesh.

With the probation period in which most of us have to go through in order to secure your job, you seem to HAVE to do what it takes to say that, "hey! this is my kind of job, and I deserve to work." Work is work. Social life is social life. Life isn't about working ur ass up. Sure, you need money to survive the increasing GSTs, taxes that you've never even heard of that'll be poping everywhere, and the expensive properties in this high living cost country.

And if you're too overpowered by work, you'll soon forget what you're living for. Na'uzubillah! It is also important that we're amanah (honest), in our job, and also have the right mind to solve any office politics. Even our Khalifahs from Khulafar Ar-rasyidin had been through politics, and hence learning from the past history, we must face politics or fitnahs with patience, intelligence, and not jump to conclusions without thinking clearly and also, never forget Him.

Monday, May 21
Time checked : 11:38 PM

Finally, a day that I can stretch out my legs and arms and...chill. Yesterday was the Graduation Ceremony...

It wasn't that bad actually. The beginning was very draggy with the never ending bOOOO-Ring speeches that I almost nod off. Im not suprised if I did cause its really easy for me to sleep in lectures. With EVERYONE wearing the weird superhero looking gown (in my opinion, whoever chose it has a BAD fashion taste!), we all seem equals. No matter what you are, with the gown on you, you're the same as everyone else. The wonders of a uniform.

Had some photos taken with my fellow ChemEng mates and from other courses too. :)
Pictures are in the Kodak Gallery, if i've somehow forgotten to email you the link due to my occasional STM, PM me if those who wants the pix.

I've caught the cold somehow when I reached home yterday. I've got to get better for I don't wanna look ghastly-pale-sick for my induction work this fri. They'll be releasing the posting of our schools! Excited Hope I get the nearest north or west zone schools. If you get what I mean.

I think im beginning to have panic attacks if something is bothering me. I have to distract my mind from entering or going close into the panic attack zone once ive got the the sudden rush of panic vibes. Like count backwards. Or shun my mind of thinking about the source of panic. Is this normal or ab?

Friday, May 18
Time checked : 4:34 AM

Let's see. This whole week has been more happening than the past. Had full daily weekday pracs, still have not watched Dhoom 2 although my dear friend, Nad has passed me tt vcd of hers a few days ago. Finally watched spidey recently, it was GOOD. Want to start reading a new novel, but have to prioritise for other reading materials. Been expecting an impt call for my job-training/induction. Right. So how's my week? Alhamdulilah. How's my life up to today? Alhamdulilah. Ever pondered about the question "how's life?" Some common replies are "It fine la. / Like that lah/ It's just okay/ It's horrible/ etc. But life for me, of which i keep nodding about after reading this is about...

Life is about experiences, which makes us to grow;
According to time and situations, it flow.

Sometimes everything seems clear and perfect,
Sometimes, it's all haze;
Maybe, life is a maze,
Every time, it leaves us amaze.

Not everyone in life, gets everything.
Sometimes,we lose even by gaining, and gain even by losing.
Why cry for losing something, which we never owned.
Life doesn't stop by accidents;
Else, the world would have ended.

Even in whole life, for someone, you change our ways;
At the end of day, with you, only your shadow stays.
The world may seem beautiful, and people influence by charm;
But, in times of need, it's our own hand, at the end of our arm.

Love and relations, are like sand,
Which we try to hold in our hand;
The more we want them to stay,
the more they slip away.

Let no one and nothing control you,
Come what may;
Let you, only your faith in Allah's way.

Things that are just part of life,
Must be kept that way.

If we make them life, by mistake;
Heart is bound to break.

Today may seem faint and dull,
Compared to beautiful past;
But, tomorrow will bring beautiful moments to last.

Why look for a shoulder to cry on,
And support from someone;
One moment people are around,
next moment gone;
Fact is,He's the strongest man in life, who stands on his own...all alone.

Whenever in life, things seem to slip out of your hands;
Give it in Allah's hands,
Since, everything is safe in his hands.

After every sunset of hurts and despair,
There's a new sunrise of hopes and prayer.
It takes both rain and sunshine to make rainbows,
And like a spring, life always flows;

Even after a bright day ends,
Still in the dark night sky, stars and moon glows....

Friday, May 11
Time checked : 9:05 AM

I'm currently reading a history book by Ahmad al-Usairy. The thing is, I didn't check throughly before I bought the book. It was in Bahasa Indonesia. And I thought it was in Bahasa Melayu. It is, abit similar. Still, I am having a hard time understanding some cheem Indonesian vocabulary and their spellings. Fortunately, thanks to some exposure to Indonesian drama series DIA, I could understand what's ganteng (handsome) ...In which it describes Prophet Yusuf in the book. *Itu je yang ko tau eh.*

And as sung by Good Charlotte "And the record keeps playing, the same old song. The hipster keeps mugging on me all night long" yadayadayada...

Why must we all conceal
What we think, how we feel?
Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm Someone else for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?

Wednesday, May 9
Time checked : 6:35 AM

Is there something wrong with blogger.com these days? It seems that its formatting has gone haywire. Is it just my computers or what. My eyes are burning...The eyedrops won't help. This happens to people who don't sleep well. Or maybe its just my eyes.

I've just watched Spiderman 1 on tevee. Keeps my adrenaline pumping to my blood. I need that since I've been soooo lethargic these days. Sikit2 penat. Buat ni penat. Buat tu penat. Ape nak jadi lah. Bila nak tengok spiderman 3 nihhh. And there's another marvel-comic movie coming out....Fantastic four and the Silver surfer? Smght like that? Its so kewl. Great movies these year. And i can't wait for Harry Potter too. Unfortunately, I'm not the kind of movie go-er. Waste $$$. Don't you think so? The rates are outrageous, 7 to 10 bucks gone just like that. That can buy my family yummy food. Unless its a 3hr long GOOD movie, or a movie that's really outstanding, I don't mind risking it.

But for Marvel-Comic Movies, COUNT ME IN bebeh.

Saturday, May 5
Time checked : 9:48 AM

We got up on our two feet, and fall back. Got up and fall back again. We brush off every tiny speck of dust and debris off our clothes, and gear ourselves up to face the world. Every step ahead is full of unexpected obstacles. Some, holding promising happy endings, and others, filled with unavoidable depressing circumstances.

That's part of life. Like it or not.

We accept it, thankfully and willingly to the Creator of the Heavens and Earth, who knows of what we do not know. Ada fresh udang di sebalik mee tau. There's the good hidden agenda that's been hidden for a purpose. And He knows what's best for us.

Kk. I've got a lovely piece of writing that I've read, and I really feel the itch to post it now. 1am in da morning. Thanks, Ami for this.

Don't Be Sad
Sheikh `A'id Al-Qarni
gives us this advice in his famous book Don't Be Sad.

Read it and don't be sad!

If you are stricken by poverty, others are chained in debt.
If you don't have shoes, others have no feet.
If you feel pain now, others have been aching for years.
If your son dies, other have lost many.

If you have sinned, then repent.
If you have committed a mistake, correct it.
The doors of repentance are ever open!
The fountain of forgiveness is every rich!

So, don't be sad!

Let all bygones be bygones!
What is predestined for you, you shall see it!
Being sad will not change anything!

So don't be sad!

Sadness spoils your life!
Destroys your happiness!
And turns it into wretchedness!

So don't be sad!

Supplication is your shield!
Prayer is your beacon!
Prostration is your means!
So don't be sad!

See how vast is the earth!
How nice are the gardens and forests!
How bright are the stars!
All are happy, but you are sad!

So, don't be sad!

You have sweet water to drink!
Fresh air to breathe!
Feet to walk with!
You sleep safely in your bed!

So, why be sad?

Every cloud has a silver lining!
After long nights, come the bright sun!
Life will soon give you a smile!
So be ready to get it!

And don't be sad!

Real life is that spent in happiness!
So cross out you sad days from your age!
Peace of mind is the real treasure!
Sorrow avails not!

So don't be sad!

Thursday, May 3
Time checked : 9:09 AM

Spiderman 3
Im coming, Im coming!! I had always loved the marvel comics of Spiderman. But of course, it's just a fantasy and nothing in which we should idolise to. When I was a kid, I had always pictured Peter Parker as an All-American dude with good looks. Well, guess my imagination has to be reconstruction ever since they put in Tobey Mcguire.

Tobey Mcguire...Tobey Mcguire lah. He's quite good as spiderman and peter parker himself. And the geek that I would approve.

And then there was also the sweet Mary Jane. Kirsten Dunst. Fits my picture.

Bila nak tengok Speeederman nih.

Time checked : 4:10 AM

I realised how bad my English Language has been eversince I've not been in touch with the formal way of speaking it. Most of the times, its quite normal to speak in perfect Singlish or the Malay-Eng intertwined language. However, it does not really bring much benefit in some sense. It was also proven that the rare use of a language would be forgotten if not practiced. Which is true. It reflects on how little I actually remember on how to converse in French or Arabic. Perhaps, nearing to a zero? And I wonder how a linguist could cope professionally speaking different tougues. Imagine you can speak Urdu, Jap, Espanyol, German etcetra. Would'nt that be kewl.

Speaking of speaking...I've got a good article to share which is about speaking well of others.

When people speak well of others, those good words reflect back on themselves, and in the end they are praising and applauding their own essence. Those who cultivate the habit of speaking well of others are like gardeners who plant flowers and aromatic herbs around their houses—wherever they look out they see a beautiful display and are always in Paradise.

Whenever we speak well of another, that person becomes our friend. When we remember them, we remember a friend, and thinking of a friend is like being near flowers and aromatic herbs. It is refreshment and repose. But when we speak ill of others, those people become repulsive in our eyes. When we think of them or their image even enters our thoughts, it is the same as snakes or scorpions, thorns or thistles appearing beforeus.

Since you can have flowers, aromatic herbs and the meadows of Iram, why do you choose to walk among the brambles and thorns? Think well of everyone so that you always dwell amongst the fields and meadows. Once you become the enemy of everyone, the images of your foes surround you day and night like scorpions and snakes.

This is why the saints have love for all people and think well of whomever they meet—not for the sake of others, but solely for themselves. Since, in this world no one can escape talking about other people or encountering their images, the saints struggle to hold everything in their mind and memory in an amiable and positive light, so that hateful images will not block their way.
-Maulana Jalalluddin Rumi, The Discourses of Rumi(Fihi Ma Fihi), A. J. Arberry

Let's cultivate this.

Wednesday, May 2
Time checked : 6:03 AM

A Beautiful Dua'a

Jika aku jatuh cinta...
Ya Allah jika aku jatuh cinta,
cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu,
agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintaiMu...

Ya Muhaimin,
jika aku jatuh hati,
izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMu,
agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu...

Ya Rabbana ,
jika aku jatuh hati,
jagalah hatiku padanya,
agar tidak berpaling daripada hatiMu.....

Ya Rabbul Izzati,
jika aku rindu ,
rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalan Mu....

Ya Allah ,
jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihMu,
janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya
bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMu...

Ya Allah ,
jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihMu
jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh
dalam perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepadaMu....

Ya Allah
jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasihMu,
jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga
melupakan aku pada cinta hakikidan rindu abadi hanya kepadaMu....

...Amin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin...

Wau. **Seeing Stars** I just loike this Dua'a. I transfered this post from my previous blog cause its one of my favourites there.

Today's prac was fun. Looking fwrd for tmr's prac.

Tuesday, May 1
Time checked : 10:39 AM

In a few hours time, it'll be my first driving prac. Looking fwrd to play around with my vehicle. Wee. Can't slp now really. Tho its nearly 2am in da morning. Ape ko buat pagi2 buta ni ha....Bukan nak tdo! Even my routine "bedtime reading" of my current novel, Sheila O Flanagan's - My Favourite Goodbye, won't put me to a deep sleep. Fikiran kot? Argh.

Seumur hidup seseorang, tentu ada fikiran yang akan berterus-terusan dalam setiap detik. Slow down sister! I'm thinking too much, about too much things.

I'm hungry. But I don't wanna go to the kitchen at this hour. Dad's at work, so he's not in the living room watching the tevee, or neither is the tevee watching him sleep. Takut ke? :P Maybe abit. My imagination runs wild when im in a dark. And that i prefer to have him in the living room whenever i wanna go to the kitchen or toilet at night. Penakut! Which is exactly why i never sleep with the lights off. Mesti ada some nightlamp, then i can sleep. Im weird? You can say that again. Hoho.

K. I don't wanna end up nodding off behind the wheels tmr, so let's j go to sleep okay?


Time checked : 3:26 AM

So i had finally recovered my fatigue frm the walking around in Little India in search of Mustafa Centre. I so feel like im in Mumbai or New Dehli and definately not Singapore because of the overflowing people on the streets...the smells...and the sight... Nasib baik tapak kaki tak cramp.. To those yg first time nk gi sana....jgn lah drop di little india MRT but drop at the station after tt to minimise walking distance IF ur planning to go to Mustafa Centre.

Worth the trip?

I guess so. Nad...sampai beli 4 VCD.... N we were also "pestered" by an enthusiastic-gd-looking-indian-with-blingblings-in-both-ears who asked us to come at eat at his restaurant. Before anythg, i asked if his restaurant was HALAL. And he said yea...and showed me his official "HALAL" cert, which was certified by the MANAGER.


And you know what. Diorang ade jual Tiger Beer lagi.... HOHOHO. Halal??? Haprakkkk la. Kesian ini manager. Tak paham maksud halal gaknye.

So, the waiter handed is this elegant looking menu book, and at the first page, it has stated out its sort of declaration...tt they use only vegetable oil. Okay gd to know. Tt, they sell no beef or pork....okay thats fine. But tts not going to make me feel better either. But how about THE CHICKEN? adakah mereka tahu tt chicken kalau nak dihalalkan has to be slaughtered in the islamic way?? So, Nad tak jadi nak beli Briyani yg diidamkan. **Alalala. Jgn lah majuk.** :P
So in the end, after a long discussion, we decided to play safe by buying only vegetarian food. I ordered the Kashmiri Naan while Nad ordered the Kulcha Naan, makan with vegetarian curry.
